How External IT Resources Ensure Faster Delivery of New Solutions to Customers

In today’s fast-paced financial services industry, the ability to quickly deliver new technology solutions to customers is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Internal IT teams, while capable, often face constraints in terms of capacity, expertise, and speed. This is where external IT resources come into play, offering a strategic advantage that can accelerate project timelines, enhance quality, and ensure rapid deployment of innovative solutions. In this blog, we explore how external IT resources ensure faster delivery of new solutions to customers, supported by industry-leading references and statistics.

The Need for Speed in Financial Services

The financial services sector is under constant pressure to innovate and provide customers with cutting-edge solutions. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, 70% of financial institutions prioritize digital transformation as a key strategy for growth. However, the rapid pace of technological advancement means that internal IT teams often struggle to keep up with the demand for new solutions. Delays in deployment can result in missed market opportunities and customer dissatisfaction.

How External IT Resources Accelerate Delivery

  1. Specialized Expertise and Experience

External IT service providers bring specialized expertise that may not be readily available within an internal team. These providers often have extensive experience working on similar projects across different organizations, allowing them to apply best practices and avoid common pitfalls. According to Gartner, companies that leverage external IT resources can reduce project timelines by 30-40% due to the specialized skills and experience that external teams bring.

For instance, external IT teams from companies like Verosis Internal can quickly identify and implement the most effective technologies, ensuring that financial institutions can launch new products and services faster than their competitors.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

One of the primary advantages of external IT resources is their ability to scale up or down based on project needs. This flexibility allows financial institutions to rapidly adjust their IT capacity without the long lead times associated with hiring and training new internal staff. A study by Deloitte highlights that organizations using external IT services experience 25% faster project delivery times due to the ability to quickly mobilize additional resources when needed.

This scalability is particularly beneficial for financial institutions looking to roll out new solutions across multiple markets or regions simultaneously, ensuring that customers receive new services with minimal delay.

  1. Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing IT projects to external providers, financial institutions can focus their internal resources on core business functions, such as strategy and customer engagement. This division of labor not only improves operational efficiency but also accelerates the delivery of IT projects. A report by IDC found that companies that outsource IT functions are 20% more likely to meet their project deadlines, as their internal teams are not stretched thin by non-core tasks.

External IT providers handle the technical complexities, from development to deployment, allowing financial institutions to concentrate on enhancing customer relationships and driving business growth.

  1. Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies

External IT service providers often have access to the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies, which can significantly speed up project timelines. Forrester Research indicates that leveraging advanced development frameworks and automation tools available through external IT providers can reduce the time required for software development and testing by up to 50%.

These providers stay at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that financial institutions can benefit from cutting-edge solutions without the need to invest heavily in new infrastructure or retraining internal staff.

Case Studies and Industry Success

Numerous financial institutions have successfully accelerated their project timelines by partnering with external IT providers. For example, a leading European bank reduced the time to market for a new mobile banking platform by 40% by collaborating with an external IT services company. This partnership allowed the bank to quickly implement advanced features such as biometric authentication and AI-driven customer support, resulting in a significant competitive advantage.


In the highly competitive financial services industry, speed is of the essence. External IT resources provide the specialized expertise, scalability, and advanced tools necessary to accelerate the delivery of new solutions to customers. By partnering with external IT providers, financial institutions can not only meet the demands of the digital age but also exceed customer expectations, driving growth and profitability.


  1. McKinsey & Company
  2. Gartner
  3. Deloitte
  4. IDC
  5. Forrester Research
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